Summer is a time when our skin is particularly exposed to UV radiation, which can lead to hyperpigmentation. These unsightly pigmentation spots can be the result of overexposure to the sun,...
At Yvette Laboratory, we focus on comprehensive care for the beauty and health of every woman. Our mission is to provide the highest quality cosmetics for both professional and home care. We believe that true...
Glacier water is a natural mineral water from icebergs, rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and iron, essential for skin health. Its unique mineral properties enhance...
Wash the skin with water and a gentle gel such as Swiss H2O Gel. Evaluate the reaction immediately after cleansing. What did you notice: tightening, discomfort, redness, itching? Skin evaluation After several minutes, stand in front of a mirror....
The right facial care routine affects the healthy and youthful appearance of the face, as well as our well-being. So it is crucial to determine our skin type, which will allow us to choose the right type of cosmetics....
It's natural that when you hear the word "hydration," you think of water. And rightly so. Moisturizing your skin means increasing its water content. If your skin is dehydrated, it can become flaky, dull and dry....
Irritation, itching, redness and astringency accompany you every day? This means that you have sensitive skin, which requires proper care. How should we take care of sensitive skin to give it a flawless appearance?
Vascular skin - its name is a condition caused by the weakening of facial blood vessels, most often on the cheeks and around the nose. When we are exposed to heat, cold and various emotions, our skin reacts by dilating the blood vessels in the face (this allows blood to flow freely) and then contracting when necessary. However, if the vessels are weakened, they may have difficulty shrinking, causing longer-lasting redness.